Linguistic and Cultural Characteristics of the Concept of Friendship in Proverbs


  • Zokirjon Isaqov Solijonovich Kokand State Pedagogicak Institute, Uzbekistan


proverb, culture, nation, lexical, linguoculturological, cognitivism, friendship, concept, contradiction


We often refer to proverbs in our speech when we apply. The proverb is a word of our people that has been formed over the years a sample of speech is considered. The term "proverb" is from Arabic qawlun - to speak, taken from the word to say. Uzbek folk proverbs are molded in our language appears. Replacing words in proverbs with another, it is not possible to add a word. Studying proverbs from the linguistic and cultural point of view is today is one of the important issues facing linguistics.




How to Cite

Solijonovich, Z. I. . (2022). Linguistic and Cultural Characteristics of the Concept of Friendship in Proverbs. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences, 1(3), 30–34. Retrieved from