The Theory of Music and the Design of Fast Tunable Transformations of Harmonic Sounds and Musical Chords


  • Nasriddinova Nozima Khayrullaevna Lecturer at the Department of Music Education, Termez State University, Termez, Republic of Uzbekistan


harmony, sequence of sounds, combination of chords, musical sound, rhythm, tempo, meter, time signature, mode, key, diatonic, interval, chord, chromaticity, melody, texture, sequence, modulation


Harmony is a complex concept of music theory. Harmonious is the harmony of sounds pleasant to the ear and comprehended by the mind. In a scientific perspective, this idea leads to the compositional and technical concept of harmony as the combination of sounds into consonances and their regular sequence. Harmony as a scientific and educational-practical discipline studies the pitch organization of music - both polyphonic and monophonic. Harmony is a musical discipline that studies the structure and combination of chords. In order to study harmony, you need to have a clear understanding of such concepts as the actual musical sound, rhythm, tempo, meter, size, mode, key, diatonic, interval, chord, chromatic, melody, texture, sequence, modulation.




How to Cite

Khayrullaevna, N. N. . (2022). The Theory of Music and the Design of Fast Tunable Transformations of Harmonic Sounds and Musical Chords. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences, 1(5), 204–207. Retrieved from