Productivity, Grain Quality Indicator and Continuity of the Growth Period of Chickpeas Varieties and Samples
Chickpea crop, varieties and samples, yield index, protein content, weight of 1000 grains, sample varietyAbstract
Chickpeas are mainly grown in rainfed areas. Thus, by the end of the cropping season, due to the lack of soil moisture (the plant is prone to drought), about two-thirds of the number of chickpea seedlings die, which causes a decrease in productivity. Currently, the chickpea crop is the second largest legume crop in the world. It is planted in 55 countries on an area of approximately 12.6 million hectares. During the last 10 years, it has been observed that the area under chickpea has increased by 44% due to the increase of 23% and the yield by 17%. It was observed that the amount of humus in the soil has decreased by 30-35% in the last 10 years due to the cultivation of grain with chronic spikes in rainfed areas. Therefore, it is effective to plant legumes in crop rotation. This makes it possible to increase the amount of humus in the soil, increasing the yield of grain and the quality index of grain. In this article, the earliness of chickpea varieties and samples planted in rainfed areas, yield index and grain quality index are mentioned.