Coal Mine Design and Explosion Prevention Studies


  • Ravshanov Zavqiddin Yahyo oʻgʻli Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Assistant teacher
  • Ergasheva Zulxumor Abdaaliyevna Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Assistant teacher
  • Solixov Javlonbek Toxir o'g'li Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Assistant teacher
  • Barotov Vasliddin Nusrat o'g'li Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Assistant teacher


Coal utilization industry, methane percentage high explosion, coal seam hazards, placement of charcoal panels, ventilation system


In the Republic of Uzbekistan, safety measures have been taken to prevent the risk of methane, spontaneous fire, and collisions in coal mines. in Uzbekistan over the past five years, there has been a need to develop tools that allow for the correct selection of a number of preventive measures. in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan processes are planned from the design stage of coal mining. Mining of coal seams Uzbekistan in the context of associated methane and spontaneous fire hazards in coal mines few studies have been conducted to develop design standards for coal panels in gassy coal seams. This article provides instructions for coal mines and extensive research-based information on designing production under associated methane and spontaneous combustion hazards. Since the first study, the presented tools and methodology have been validated many times with daily mining and mining operations under associated methane and spontaneous combustion hazards has made a significant contribution to the development of safe and economical mining operations and further increases the performance of coal mines.




How to Cite

Yahyo oʻgʻli, R. Z. ., Abdaaliyevna, E. Z. ., Toxir o'g'li, S. J. ., & Nusrat o'g'li, B. V. . (2023). Coal Mine Design and Explosion Prevention Studies. Nexus: Journal of Advances Studies of Engineering Science, 2(5), 255–259. Retrieved from


