Disadvantages of Using Computer Testing for Control of the Level of Training in a Foreign Language


  • G. A. Djumaeva A senior teacher of Karshi engineering economics institute, Uzbekistan


computer testing, technology development, control of skills and proficiency


Consideration of the problems of testing the level of students' learning a foreign language (hereinafter referred to as the foreign language) is of particular importance due to the radical changes dictated by social conditions and the rapid pace of technology development both in the practice of teaching foreign language and in methodological science. At the same time, we have to admit that the problems of speech control skills are insufficiently developed: a number of theoretical issues are not considered; the specifics of the test are poorly disclosed. Therefore, the study of the issues of control of skills and proficiency in AI is especially relevant today.




How to Cite

Djumaeva, G. A. . (2023). Disadvantages of Using Computer Testing for Control of the Level of Training in a Foreign Language. Nexus: Journal of Advances Studies of Engineering Science, 2(6), 39–42. Retrieved from https://innosci.org/JISES/article/view/1416


