The Will as the Basis of the Summons in Inheritance


  • Dr. Sc. Kastriote Vlahna Doctor of Civil Law Sciences, at the University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", Faculty of Law, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
  • Cand. Argona Kuçi University, Country Graduated in Master Studies, Facultyof Law, the Chicago Kent, USA;


Inheritance, the basics of inheritance, will, definition of will


We can find the basics of calling in inheritance as far back as ancient Rome. Roman law regulated the transfer of the testator to the heirs. Testaments find literal treatment since the skillful compilation of the jurists of Roman law. When we talk about the legal basis, we understand the reason where the heirs find the right in seeking the inheritance measure. Kosovo and in general Albanian law has recognized and regulated the bases of inheritance, since the Canons, the Civil Code of Ahmet Zogut, the later Civil Codes. Even Kosovo, initially as a former part of the former non-Guslav province, has regulations for the transfer of inheritance, even though the Albanians of Kosovo have always been victims of discrimination and of receiving the right to inheritance. Women also, even though they were equal in terms of the right of inheritance, they did not have the right to inherit, thanks to the patriarchal society that existed in that period. After 1999, the legal, political and economic system is subject to a radical transformation, called states in transition, like any transitional phase, and requires the imperative realization of the legal regulation of all spheres, including the right of inheritance.




How to Cite

Vlahna, D. S. K. ., & Kuçi , C. A. . (2023). The Will as the Basis of the Summons in Inheritance. Pioneer: Journal of Advanced Research and Scientific Progress, 2(4), 89–97. Retrieved from


