Communication: Charm and Shyness


  • Rakhimova Iroda Giyazjanovna Tashkent State Pedagogical, Nizami University, Lecturer at the Department of General Psychology


shyness, communication, psych correction, self-acceptance, positive thinking, relaxation exercises, body therapy, art therapy, role-playing games


The article deals with communication and its influence on the development of the personality, as well as the problems of shyness, its influence on the personality, the types, forms and the occurrence of its causes are highlighted. Shyness is a problem for personal development and is directly related to personal psychological health, education, as well as self-esteem and the level of claims. Which, in turn, are some psycho-corrective programs to overcome shyness, which is an obstacle in life.




How to Cite

Giyazjanovna, R. I. (2022). Communication: Charm and Shyness. Pioneer: Journal of Advanced Research and Scientific Progress, 1(3), 91–97. Retrieved from