Diabetes Mellitus – Factors Contributing to the Occurrence, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Disease


  • Azizova Shoira Kayumovna SamSMU assistant, department of rhopaedeutics internal diseases
  • Nazarov Firuz Yusupovich SamSMU assistant, department of rhopaedeutics internal diseases


diabetes mellitus type 2, Vitamin D, antibodies, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, inflammation mediators


Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common endocrine disorders. There are 415 million people on the planet with diabetes (1 in 11 adults); It is estimated that by 2040 there will be 642 million sick people. Every 6 seconds, one person dies from the consequences of diabetes (5 million deaths). The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has pointed out factors that play a role in the development of the disease: genetics, lifestyle, environment and diet. The main mechanism of development of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion. Diabetes mellitus is a condition of chronic hyperglycemia, characterized by impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.




How to Cite

Azizova Shoira Kayumovna and Nazarov Firuz Yusupovich, “Diabetes Mellitus – Factors Contributing to the Occurrence, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Disease”, WoS, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 74–76, Nov. 2023.